It is very impressive to see at what level of distinction that some libraries have their RSS feeds. Some are very particular and have RSS for each genre and or group of interest like that Tacoma Public Library. I also found a drawback from the Tacoma Public Library's page, and it had to do with its presentation. It had information on RSS and what it can do, etc at the bottom after the long list. If I was a patron looking at that page, I might be lost, and on a usability scale, it's not too friendly as you have to scroll down low to find more information, which is really pertinent for a new person desiring to know more about RSS.
There was only one library that had an RSS function for personal account updates which was that Hennepin Public Library. I think some organizations might have this function already installed through email, as I have experienced that in the past with previous academic libraries, but it would also be nice to see the opportunity to see it come from RSS. The University of Oklahoma even had an RSS for job opportunities which I also found neat and useful if you were thinking of working there. It would save the user from going back to check all the time to see if a job has been posted.