Monday, May 21, 2007

just keeping quiet..

I'm still alive and out here...just not sure what to say.

This is my third online course experience, and for the most part I am really quiet online. Anyone that knows me, I usually carry a large enough voice in class...but on here I don't usually say much.

The second weeks readings were interesting...I like the way that some of them introduce the history of blog and blogging. However, blogs are tools and depending on the user's needs the tools can be used differently. If it's someone having their personal journal online and they wish to share it with a closed group they can, or if it's a library wishing to inform their patrons/community of what's happening with the library, it could serve that as well. However, in the end, what really seems to matter, is having someone on the other end reading what you or they are posting. Makes me think of those old CBC commercials, about the medium and the message, which one is most important, or is the medium the message? At the end of the day, I think it basically relies on the person who is getting something out of the "tool". Let it be a person writing their personal story and sharing it with friends, someone keeping a journal of their travels, or a library informing the community. Each one serves it's purpose and there has to be a sender and receiver, but at the end, if someone benefits from it, or is informed, etc. It's all good correct? I think so.

Anyways, my 2cent rant for this week's readings.


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