Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week 8 readings..

Folksonomies....still not a fan. I have yet to be grabbed and very implicated in this folksonomy world. I know that I have to tag things for this course, but honestly, I get the advantages/disatvantages, but I think I might still be traditional and like the word to mouth and the good ole' reading up on stuff to find what I need. After going over the readings, I can see the problems of having misdirected groupings, which may mislead, and for a librarian to suggest that patrons might classify, or develop a better taxonomy. I know sometimes things get done, discovered, and sometimes the majority can change how things are done, but in the end it could just become an anarchy, there needs to be some order in things, and the cataloguer follows strict rules that keep things in order.

1 comment:

amanda said...

Hi Jeremie - wow, a born librarian! Good for you for standing your ground and arguing for controlled vocabulary :) I'm fascinated by the fact that all the advantages of folksonomies that we've been reading about (bottom-up, inclusivity, personal meaning, and all that good stuff) haven't swayed you yet. But, how would you feel about a hybrid system that has a folksonomy and controlled vocabulary working side-by-side? An example would be tags in an OPAC alongside LCSH. Ann Arbor is doing this with their catalogue right now, and LibraryThing has released a service for libraries ( that is similar.

Curious to hear your reaction to this...